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【译文】Anciently called Yuzhang, now it is called Nanchang;
The people are prominent, the land is sanctified.
Note: In the year 201 B.C, the general Guanying in Han Dynasty built the city of Nanchang, attached to the Yuzhang County.
【译文】By the Poyang Lake and the Ganjiang River;
Bordering five lakes and three rivers .
Note: Wang Bo in Tang Dynasty used “ It borders three rivers and five lakes” to describe the predominant geographical location of Nanchang in the Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion. “Five lakes” refers to Tai Lake, Poyang Lake, Danyang Lake, and Dongting Lake. “Three rivers” refers to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangze River in general, according to old saying, the ancient Yangtze River accesses to the sea by three tributaries after Yangtze river passing Pengli (today it is Poyang Lake), so we called it three rivers.
【译文】The land and water are easily accessible and boats sail smoothly;
The commerce is thriving and the city is prosperous.
【译文】Winter wine is mellow and spring tea is green;
Summer lotus root is white and autumn orange is golden.
【译文】The Tengwang Pavilion magnificently stands from ancient till now;
The Shengjinta Pagoda dispels three natural disasters(windstorm ,fire and flood)
Note: According to the legend, after the completion of the Shenjinta Pagoda, the three natural disasters: windstorm, fire and flood had disappeared in the city of Nanchang.
【译文】The Nanpu clouds at dawn and the Xishan Hills rain at d**;
The wild ducks fly in the sunset red clouds and the autumn river merges with the sky.
注释: ①王勃《腾王阁诗》:“画栋朝飞南浦云,珠帘暮卷西山雨”。“南飞浦云”为“豫章十景”之一。②王勃《腾王阁序》:“落霞与孤鹙齐飞,秋水共长天一色。”《腾王阁风》为“豫章十景”之一。
Note: ① Wang Bo“Nan Pu Fei Yu” is one of “ten scenic spots of Yuzhang”.②Wang Bo describes that “The sunset is flying together with lonely wild goose, and the autumn water connected the sky at the horizon forming a unity” in Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion. “the wind of Tengwang Pavilion” is one of “ten scenic spots of Yuzhang”
【译文】Famous for its scenic spots, Hong Ya Well and Le Zu Pool, the Hongzhou Kiln and the origin of celadon porcelain.
注释: ①“洪崖丹井”为“豫章十景”之一。4500年前,黄帝乐臣伶伦,又称洪崖先生,在湾里洪崖丹井处凿井炼丹,断竹而吹,创制音律。②南昌南郊30公里处的洪州窑址,兴盛于两晋至中、晚唐,为中国青瓷发源地。
Note: ① “Hong Ya Dan Jing”is one of “Ten Scenic Spots of Yuzhang”. 4500 years ago, Lin Luen, the musical official of Yellow Emperor, also called Mr. Hong Ya, dug the well of Hong Ya to make the Chinese alchemy in Wanli District, cut the bamboo to make the flute and created melody.②The Hongzhou Kiln in the 30 kilometers of southern district of Nanchang, which thrived from the western Jin Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty to mid-Tang and Late Tang, is the birth land of celadon.
【译文】The Wazijiao where once the Confucius descendant’s temple was located;
The Xu Temple willows in heavy fog attract many tourists.
Note: ① WaziJiao got its name for the tiles that were once used to build the Zhantai Mieming’s (his courtesy name is Ziyu) and were piled in heaps.②The willows of Xu Temple is one of the ten scenic spots of Yuzhang, Xu temple is the Ruzi temple, which seated in the side of west lake in Nanchang, here it’s willows are dense and fogs are heavy and the scenery is very beautiful.
【译文】The Iron Pole Temple where the immortal once lived;
The Youming Temple where the bronze bell still sounds.
注释: ①“铁柱仙踪”为“豫章十景”之一。传说在西山万寿宫原址处,许真君治水用铁索缚蛟龙,锁住地脉,制服水患。②南昌市内的佑民寺,几经兴败,数易其名,1929年改名“佑民寺”至今。寺内有南唐所铸铜钟一只,重5032公斤,高2.3米,围长4.9米,是南昌三宝(普贤铁像、佑民寺铜钟和铜佛)中仅存的一宝。
Note: ① “Tie Zhu Xian Zhong” is one of the ten scenic spots of Yuzhang. According to the legend, Xu Zhenjun bound flood dragon with iron chain and locked the geographical position to control the flood. ②After several prosperities and declines, Youming Temple in Nanchang city changed its name for several times, then it changed the name as Youming Temple in 1929 to today. In the temple, there is a bronze bell which made in Southern Tang Dynasty, its weight is 5032 kilos, its height is 2.3 meters, and its girth is 4.9 meters, which is the only existed of three treasures in Nanchang (including the iron.)
【译文】The Longsha scenery at d** is crowded with the sailing boats;
And the Zhangjiangdu ferry site bathes in the sunrise.
注释: ①“龙沙夕照”为“豫章十景”之一。在今下沙窝处。②“章江晓渡”为“豫章十景”之一。在今八一桥的东边。章江渡口天水一色,风光宜人。
Note: ① “Longsha sunset” is one of ten scenic spots of Yuzhang, it located in Xiashawo.② “Zhangjiangxiaodu” is one if ten scenic spots of Yuzhang, now it located in the east of Bayi Bridge. Zhangjiang Dukou’s water connects the sky at the horizon forming a unity, the scenery is very beautiful.
【译文】The Baihuazhou Islands are beautifully reflected in the East Lake;
The Xinghualou Pavillion sends out the fragrance of the brush and ink.
注释: ①“东湖夜月”为“豫章十景”之一。百花洲建于宋代,是东湖中的三座小岛,俗称三洲。满湖碧水,倒映着百花洲上缤纷的花树,景色十分秀丽。②杏花楼又称水观音亭,建于唐代,位于南昌南湖之中,为古往今来文人墨客咏诗作画处。
Note: ① “Donghuyeyue” is one of ten scenic spots of Yuzhang. Baihuazhou was built in Song Dynasty; it is just one of the three islands, which are called three islets. The blue water in the lake mirrors the Baihuazhou’s beautiful trees and the scenery is so beautiful. ② Xinghualou is also called as Guanyinting, which was built in Tang Dynasty, it is located in the south lake in Nanchang, where the men of letters writing poetry and painting.
【译文】There are eighteen slopes and nine green sandbars (in Nanchang);
The Seven gates of the city are all open to welcome the merchants.
注释: ①根据街道地势的高低及在市内的位置而得名的十八个地名,现仍保留的有傅家坡、上凤凰坡等。②南昌位于赣江中下游、抚河交汇处,河道湖汊纵横,因常年泥沙堆积而形成褂潮王洲、新洲、打缆洲、里洲等九个沙洲。③指南昌的德胜门、章江门、广润门、惠民门、进贤门、顺化门、永和门七座古城门。
Note: ① Eighteen slopes got the name for the high and low of street terrain and the location in city, now it still persevered Fujia slope, upper-phoenix slope, etc.
② Nanchang is located in the intersection of the middle and lower reaches of Ganjiang River and Fuhe River, the riverways cross vertically and horizontally, then there form nine alluvions, such as Kuachaowangzhou, Xinzhou, Dalanzhou, Lizhou, etc for sediments silting year after year.③ It refers to seven ancient gates, that is, Desheng Gate, Zhangjiang Gate, Guanglun Gate, Huimin Gate, Jingxian Gate, Shunhua Gate, and Yonghe Gate.
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