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[分享] 文明南昌三字经

发表于 2013-2-20 13:06:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  【译文】Anciently called Yuzhang, now it is called Nanchang;

  The people are prominent, the land is sanctified.


  Note: In the year 201 B.C, the general Guanying in Han Dynasty built the city of Nanchang, attached to the Yuzhang County.


  【译文】By the Poyang Lake and the Ganjiang River;

  Bordering five lakes and three rivers .


  Note: Wang Bo in Tang Dynasty used “ It borders three rivers and five lakes” to describe the predominant geographical location of Nanchang in the Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion. “Five lakes” refers to Tai Lake, Poyang Lake, Danyang Lake, and Dongting Lake. “Three rivers” refers to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangze River in general, according to old saying, the ancient Yangtze River accesses to the sea by three tributaries after Yangtze river passing Pengli (today it is Poyang Lake), so we called it three rivers.


  【译文】The land and water are easily accessible and boats sail smoothly;

  The commerce is thriving and the city is prosperous.


  【译文】Winter wine is mellow and spring tea is green;

  Summer lotus root is white and autumn orange is golden.


  【译文】The Tengwang Pavilion magnificently stands from ancient till now;

  The Shengjinta Pagoda dispels three natural disasters(windstorm ,fire and flood)


  Note: According to the legend, after the completion of the Shenjinta Pagoda, the three natural disasters: windstorm, fire and flood had disappeared in the city of Nanchang.


  【译文】The Nanpu clouds at dawn and the Xishan Hills rain at d**;

  The wild ducks fly in the sunset red clouds and the autumn river merges with the sky.

  注释: ①王勃《腾王阁诗》:“画栋朝飞南浦云,珠帘暮卷西山雨”。“南飞浦云”为“豫章十景”之一。②王勃《腾王阁序》:“落霞与孤鹙齐飞,秋水共长天一色。”《腾王阁风》为“豫章十景”之一。

  Note: ① Wang Bo“Nan Pu Fei Yu” is one of “ten scenic spots of Yuzhang”.②Wang Bo describes that “The sunset is flying together with lonely wild goose, and the autumn water connected the sky at the horizon forming a unity” in Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion. “the wind of Tengwang Pavilion” is one of “ten scenic spots of Yuzhang”


  【译文】Famous for its scenic spots, Hong Ya Well and Le Zu Pool, the Hongzhou Kiln and the origin of celadon porcelain.

  注释: ①“洪崖丹井”为“豫章十景”之一。4500年前,黄帝乐臣伶伦,又称洪崖先生,在湾里洪崖丹井处凿井炼丹,断竹而吹,创制音律。②南昌南郊30公里处的洪州窑址,兴盛于两晋至中、晚唐,为中国青瓷发源地。

  Note: ① “Hong Ya Dan Jing”is one of “Ten Scenic Spots of Yuzhang”. 4500 years ago, Lin Luen, the musical official of Yellow Emperor, also called Mr. Hong Ya, dug the well of Hong Ya to make the Chinese alchemy in Wanli District, cut the bamboo to make the flute and created melody.②The Hongzhou Kiln in the 30 kilometers of southern district of Nanchang, which thrived from the western Jin Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty to mid-Tang and Late Tang, is the birth land of celadon.


  【译文】The Wazijiao where once the Confucius descendant’s temple was located;

  The Xu Temple willows in heavy fog attract many tourists.


  Note: ① WaziJiao got its name for the tiles that were once used to build the Zhantai Mieming’s (his courtesy name is Ziyu) and were piled in heaps.②The willows of Xu Temple is one of the ten scenic spots of Yuzhang, Xu temple is the Ruzi temple, which seated in the side of west lake in Nanchang, here it’s willows are dense and fogs are heavy and the scenery is very beautiful.


  【译文】The Iron Pole Temple where the immortal once lived;

  The Youming Temple where the bronze bell still sounds.

  注释: ①“铁柱仙踪”为“豫章十景”之一。传说在西山万寿宫原址处,许真君治水用铁索缚蛟龙,锁住地脉,制服水患。②南昌市内的佑民寺,几经兴败,数易其名,1929年改名“佑民寺”至今。寺内有南唐所铸铜钟一只,重5032公斤,高2.3米,围长4.9米,是南昌三宝(普贤铁像、佑民寺铜钟和铜佛)中仅存的一宝。

  Note: ① “Tie Zhu Xian Zhong” is one of the ten scenic spots of Yuzhang. According to the legend, Xu Zhenjun bound flood dragon with iron chain and locked the geographical position to control the flood. ②After several prosperities and declines, Youming Temple in Nanchang city changed its name for several times, then it changed the name as Youming Temple in 1929 to today. In the temple, there is a bronze bell which made in Southern Tang Dynasty, its weight is 5032 kilos, its height is 2.3 meters, and its girth is 4.9 meters, which is the only existed of three treasures in Nanchang (including the iron.)


  【译文】The Longsha scenery at d** is crowded with the sailing boats;

  And the Zhangjiangdu ferry site bathes in the sunrise.

  注释: ①“龙沙夕照”为“豫章十景”之一。在今下沙窝处。②“章江晓渡”为“豫章十景”之一。在今八一桥的东边。章江渡口天水一色,风光宜人。

  Note: ① “Longsha sunset” is one of ten scenic spots of Yuzhang, it located in Xiashawo.② “Zhangjiangxiaodu” is one if ten scenic spots of Yuzhang, now it located in the east of Bayi Bridge. Zhangjiang Dukou’s water connects the sky at the horizon forming a unity, the scenery is very beautiful.


  【译文】The Baihuazhou Islands are beautifully reflected in the East Lake;

  The Xinghualou Pavillion sends out the fragrance of the brush and ink.

  注释: ①“东湖夜月”为“豫章十景”之一。百花洲建于宋代,是东湖中的三座小岛,俗称三洲。满湖碧水,倒映着百花洲上缤纷的花树,景色十分秀丽。②杏花楼又称水观音亭,建于唐代,位于南昌南湖之中,为古往今来文人墨客咏诗作画处。

  Note: ① “Donghuyeyue” is one of ten scenic spots of Yuzhang. Baihuazhou was built in Song Dynasty; it is just one of the three islands, which are called three islets. The blue water in the lake mirrors the Baihuazhou’s beautiful trees and the scenery is so beautiful. ② Xinghualou is also called as Guanyinting, which was built in Tang Dynasty, it is located in the south lake in Nanchang, where the men of letters writing poetry and painting.


  【译文】There are eighteen slopes and nine green sandbars (in Nanchang);

  The Seven gates of the city are all open to welcome the merchants.

  注释: ①根据街道地势的高低及在市内的位置而得名的十八个地名,现仍保留的有傅家坡、上凤凰坡等。②南昌位于赣江中下游、抚河交汇处,河道湖汊纵横,因常年泥沙堆积而形成褂潮王洲、新洲、打缆洲、里洲等九个沙洲。③指南昌的德胜门、章江门、广润门、惠民门、进贤门、顺化门、永和门七座古城门。

  Note: ① Eighteen slopes got the name for the high and low of street terrain and the location in city, now it still persevered Fujia slope, upper-phoenix slope, etc.

  ② Nanchang is located in the intersection of the middle and lower reaches of Ganjiang River and Fuhe River, the riverways cross vertically and horizontally, then there form nine alluvions, such as Kuachaowangzhou, Xinzhou, Dalanzhou, Lizhou, etc for sediments silting year after year.③ It refers to seven ancient gates, that is, Desheng Gate, Zhangjiang Gate, Guanglun Gate, Huimin Gate, Jingxian Gate, Shunhua Gate, and Yonghe Gate.

上一篇:限购令实施近两年 南昌部分楼盘涨幅达50%
下一篇:南昌餐饮业“打包费”潜规则令人恼 有商家收费高达5元
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-20 13:08:04 | 显示全部楼层

  【译文】Many avenues and roads are named after the ancient celebrities such as Shuyuanjie Road and Jimazhuang Road.

  注释: ①始建于20世纪30年代的“十大乡贤”路,即渊明路、永叔路、子固路、安石路(今八一大道)、象山路、叠山路、阳明路、船山路、黄梨洲路(今榕门路)、孺子路,分别为纪念陶渊明、欧阳修、曾巩、王安石、陆九渊、谢枋得、王阳明、王船山、黄梨洲、徐孺子。②书院街为古代南昌三大书院之一的“豫章书院”所在地。系马桩在老贡院附近,为明清时乡试考生骑马来应试系马而得名。

  Note: ① “Ten Xiangxian Roads”are Yuanming Road, Yongshu Road, Zigu Road, An’shi Road (Bayi Road today), Xiangshan Road, Tieshan Road, Yangming Road, Chuanshan Road, Huanglizhou Road (Rongmen Road toady), and Ruzi Road, which were built in 1930s.These roads respectively commemorate Tao Yuanming, Ouyang Ming, Zenggong, Wang Anshi, Lu Qiuyuan, Xie Bingde, Wang Yangming, Wang Chuanshan, Huang Lizhou and Xu Ruzi.

  ② “Shuyuan street” is the location of “Yuzhang Academy”, which is one of the three academies in ancient Nanchang. Jimazhuang was near the old Examination House, it got the name for the examinees of Provincial Examination tied their horses they rode in Ming and Qing Dynasties.


  【译文】The Ximachi Pool in which the fairy crane once bathed;

  The Qingyunpu is well-known for the famous painter Badasanren.

  注释: ①洗马池又名“浴仙池”,传说仙女曾化为仙鹤来此沐浴。②青云谱为画僧八大山人隐居作画处。

  Note: ①The another name of Ximachi pool is “Yuxianchi pool, according to the legend, the fairy had turned into a crane to shower here.②Qingyunpu is the location that Bada Shanren painted pictures in seclusion.


  【译文】The Six Eye-holes Wells in which clear water was rippling;

  The Zhuangyuanqiao Bridge from which one can see afar.

  注释: ①地处南昌象山南路的六眼井,原本是一口井,由于汲水者众多,明代作生一次拓凿,上设了六个井圈,六眼井之名由此而来。随着城市建设的发展,六眼井被堵赛湮没,今仅存地名。②南昌古名桥,建于明万历四十七年。传说乾隆年间才子戴忂享,屡考落榜,后发奋努力高中状元,途经该桥而得名。

  Note: ① The six eye-holes well, located in south road of Xiangshan Road in Nanchang, was originally one well. Because the people who drew water were so many, so it was chiseled once in Ming Dynasty, and it was set six walling cribs, so the name of six eye-holes well was named after it.With the development of city construction, the six eye-holes well was blocked, so there just saved the place name. ② Guming bridge in Nanchang was built in Wanli 47 in Ming Dynasty. According to the legend ,Dai Quxiang, the gifted youth in Qianlong Dynasty, failed in the imperial examination time and again, then he got the Number one in imperial examination, and the bridge got the name for he just passed via it.


  【译文】The Grand Hotel is the place where the uprising heroes met;

  And where the military flag raised and the first shot fired.

  注释: ①“八一起义”时,总指挥部设在江西大旅社,即今八一起义纪念馆。②“八一起义”打响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪,是我党创建革命军队的开始。

  Note: ① The general headquarter of “ Bayi uprising” was located at Jiangxi Hotel at that time, where is Bayi uprising memorial Hall now.② Bayi uprising fired the first shot of the armed struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries ,and it was the beginning of our party creating the revolutionary army.


  【译文】 The soldiers rose up against the enemies; The Youzhu Lane is the place where the headquarter of New Fourth Route Army stationed.


  Note: ① Youzhu lane is the place where the New Fourth Army headquarter and Jiangxi agency of New Fourth Army in 1938.


  【译文】The republic is erecting in the east; And the heroic city is shining brightly.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-20 13:08:27 | 显示全部楼层

  【译文】Our ancestors are no lack of able and virtuous people;

  Many well-traveled famous scholars left us many literature masterpieces.


  【译文】During Ziyu's stay in Nanchang he opened a school and gave lectures;

  The General Guan Ying in Han dynasty first built the city of Nanchang.

  注释: ①子羽,詹台灭明的字,春秋时代孔子门徒,南游到南昌,设书院讲学,弟子达300余人。

  Note: ① Zi Yu, which is the courtesy name of Zhantai Mieming, is the disciple of Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period, he traveled to Nanchang and established Confucian school to give lectures, and his students were reached to more than 300.


  【译文】The military official in Meixian county was a man of integrity;

  Xu Ruzi was a man of noble morality.

  注释: ①指梅福,字子真,寿春(今安徽寿县)人,生于西汉末年,曾任南昌县尉。他上书朝廷,指陈政事,险遭杀身之祸。后隐名于南昌西郊飞鸿山为梅岭。②徐孺子(97—168)名稚,字孺子,南昌人,东汉名士,家贫,常亲自耕种,德行为人所景仰。

  Note: ① It refers to Meifu, his courtesy name is Zizhen. He was born in Chouchun in the later years of Western Han Dynasty (now Chou county, An Hui), and he was the police commissioner of Nanchang County. He narrowly escaped the impending massacre for submiting written statements to court about the politic, then he lived incognito in Feihong mountain , the western suburbs of Nanchang, where is Meilin mountain now.

  ② Xu Zhi (97-168)’s courtesy name is Ruzi, he was born in Nanchang, and he was a celebrity were admired by people.


  译文】Xu Zhengjun successfully harnessed the river flood;Dong Yuan, the official of the Beiyuan Painting House was well-known for his water-ink paintings.

  注释: ①许真君(239—374)即许逊,字敬之道号真君,南昌县人,晋代治水名家。为治水患,足迹遍及南昌、新建县、丰城、高安、九江、湖口以及湖南、福建等地,时间长达20年。②董北苑(?—约962)即董源,进贤人,五代南唐画家。中主时任北苑副使,人称“董北苑” ,工画山水、龙、牛、虎、人物。董源的水墨山水,影响甚大,为五代、北字年间南方山水画的主要流派。

  Note: ① Xu Zhenjun (239-374) is Xu Xun, his courtesy name is Jingzi and his Taoist monastic name is Zhenjun. He was born in Nanchang county, and he was the famous person who can control flood in Jin Dynaty. In order to prevent floods by water control, he toured Nanchang, Xinjian County , Fengcheng ,Gao’an , Jiujiang , Hukou , and Hunan, Fujian and other places, which lasted for 20 days. ② Dong Beiyuan(?—about 962) is Dong Yuan, he is a native of Jinxian, and is a painter in Southern Tang in the Five Dynasties. Zhongzhu was then a vice commissioner of Beiyuan, who was called “Dong Beiyuan”, he specialized in painting landscapes, dragon, ox, tiger , figure. Dong Yuan’s ink landscape influenced strongly and widely, the Dong Yuan’s school became the main school of ink landscape in Five Dynasties and North Zi.


  【译文】Wang Bo in Tang Dynasty created the ever-lasting Preface to Tengwang Pavilion; Yan Shu in Song dynasty was a famous man of the Song Lyrics.


  Note: ① Wang Bo (649—676)’s courtesy name is Zi’an, he is a native of Longmen, Jiangzhou, (Hejing, Shanxi), he is a man of letters in the early years of Tang Dynasty. He was very famous in his childhood, so he was respected as wonder child. Wang Bo passed Nanchang when he went home to visit his family, he attended the grand meeting of Teng wang Pavilion and he wrote a poem in the course of the dinner, the poem is the famous “Preface to Tengwang Pavilion”.② Yan Shu(991—1055)’s courtesy name is Tongshu. He was born in Wengang in Linchuan county (now Jinxian county), he was good in Xiaolin, and its words were very beautiful. The famous poem, “Powerless are flowers that must wither and fall, it’s time for the return of swallows that I seem to have met before” in Lyrics to Sandy Creek Washers, is widely read.


  【译文】Ouyang Xiu was a master in literature; Wang Anshi introduced institutional reforms.

  注释: ①欧阳修(1007—1072)字永叔,号醉翁,庐陵(今吉安)人。宋代杰出政治家、文学家,曾任宰相之职,北宋中叶的文坛领袖,“唐宋八大家”之一。“永叔路”即以其字命名。②王安石(1021—1086)号半山,临川人。北宋杰出政治家、文学家,曾两度为相,推行新法。诗文风格雄健峭拔。曾以他的名字命名的“安石路” ,今天已成为象征南昌现代风貌的八一大道。

  Note: ① Ouyang Xiu (1007—1072)’s courtesy name is Yong Shu, and his alternative name is Zuiweng, he was born in Luling (now Ji’an) . He is a prominent politician and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. He once was a prime minister and was the leader in the literary circle in the middle period of the Northern Song, he was one of “eight prose masters of the Tang-Song period”. “Yong Shu Road” was named after him.

  ② Wang Anshi (1021—1086)’s alternative name is Banshan, and he is a native of Linchuan. He was an outstanding politician and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty, he became the prime minister twice, and he carried out the new law. The style of poems is vigorous. The An’shi road that was named after him becomes Ba Yi road at the present which stands for Nanchang modern style and features.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-20 13:09:04 | 显示全部楼层

  【译文】Xie Bingde was a man of exceptionally strong will;

  Wang Dayuan was a great sailor of the Yuan Dynasty.

  注释: ①谢枋(音并)得(1226—1289)号叠山,弋阳人。南宋末年曾率兵抗元,宋亡后因拒绝在元朝做官,绝食而死。“叠山路”即以其号命名。②汪大渊,字焕章,南昌人,生于1311年,元代民间航海家。曾出航南洋群岛、阿拉伯海、地中海及澳洲各地,所著《岛夷志略》为其出海远航的手记辑录,对研究中外历史、地理有很高的学术价值。

  Note: ①Xie Bingde (1226—1289)’s alternative name is Dieshan and he is a native of Yiyang. In the later years of the Southern Song Dynasty, he led the army to resist Yuan forces, and he starved to death for he refused to be an official in Yuan Dynasty after the perishing of the Southern Song Dynasty. “Die Shan Road” was named after him.

  ② Wang Dayuan’s courtesy name is Huanzhang, and Wang Dayuan is a civil navigator in Yuan Dynasty. He was born in Nanchang in 1311. He once set sail to the islands of Southeast Asia , the Arabian Sea , the Mediterranean and the various regions of Australia, his book "Dao Yi Zhi Lue " was the notes of his sailing, which has high academic value to study Chinese and foreign history and geography.


  【译文】Wen Tianxiang was well-known for his noble spirits ;

  Shu Feng,the Champion Scholar ,came first in the Champion Scholar List.

  注释: ①文天祥(1236—1283)号文山,吉水人,南宋民族英雄和爱国诗人。抗敌被俘后作《过零丁洋》诗以明志:“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。”原腾王阁建有“二忠祠” ,祭奉文天祥、谢枋得。②舒芬(1487—1531),进贤人,明代文状元,任翰林院修撰,为官正直刚烈,生平著作丰富。

  Note: ① Wen Tianxiang (1236—1283)’s alternative name is Wenshan, he is a native of Jinshui, and he is a national hero and patriotic poet in the Southern Song Dynasty. He wrote “death comes to all men ,my loyalty may leave a page in the annals” in “Guo Ding Yang” to show his ideal after he was captured by Yuan forces. There were two loyal ancestral temples in the old Tengwang pavilion in order to sacrifice to Wen Tianxiang and Xie Bingde.② Shufeng (1487—1531) was born in Jinxian, he was the Number One scholar in Ming Dynasty and held the post of Xiuzhuang in Imperial Academy. He was very integrity and upright to be an official and he wrote many works in his life.


  【译文】Yi Lou,the imperial concubine ,used her hair as a brush and wrote the two Chinese characters“翰屏”to persuade her husband not to rebel;

  Wang Yangming successfully suppressed the prince Ning’s rebellion.

  注释: ①娄纪,原名娄素珍,明宁王朱宸濠正妃,才女。宸濠谋反,娄纪力阻,以秀发蘸墨书“翰屏”二字,现立杏花楼。②王阳明因平宁王之乱而有功名。

  Note: ①Lou Fei’s primitive name is Lou Suzhen. She was the imperial concubine of Zhu Chenhao, the King of Ning in Ming Dynasty. She is a talented woman. When Zhu Chenhao rebelled, she discouraged him strongly, and she wrote “Han Ping” with her hairs dipping in inks, now it was put in Xin Hua Lou. ②Wang Yangming was given an official rank for he successfully suppressed the King of Ning’s rebellion.


  【译文】Tang Xianzu wrote the famous play Peony Pavilion; Zhu Da(Badashanren) lived in recluse and created many calligraphy and paintings.

  注释: ①汤显祖戏剧《牡丹亭》,最早在南昌腾王阁上演。②朱耷(1326—1705)即“八大山人” ,明太祖朱元璋十七子朱权的后代。明亡后,隐居道院。其绘画、书法作品的艺术成就举世公认,并遗泽后世。今青云谱即其当年隐居之地,现已辟为“八大山人纪念馆。”

  Note: ① The drama of Peony Pavilion, which was written by Tang Xianzu, was put on Tengwang Pavilion, Nanchang at the earliest. ②Zhu Da (1326—1705)is Badashanren, and he is descendant of Zhu Quan, the 17th son of Zhu Yuanzhang. After the perishing of Ming Dynasty, he lived in Taoist temple. The artistic achievements of his paintings and his calligraphies were accepted by the whole world, and were handed down to the later generations. Now Qinyunpu is the place where Zhu Da once lived in seclusion, and becomes the “Badashanren memorial hall”.


  【译文】Hu Ruosi participated in the compiling of the YongLe Dadian Dictionary;

  Yu Jiayan advocated the medical moral.

  注释: ①胡若思(1361—1443)即胡俨,字若思,南昌人,明初学者、教育家,参与编修《永乐大典》。通晓天文、地理、历法、医学,明成祖时任国子监祭酒。②喻嘉言(1585—1664),名昌,号嘉言,新建人,生活于明末清初,是著名的爱国儒士、名医。

  Note: ① Hu Ruosi (1361—1443)’s another name is Hu Yan, and his courtesy name is Ruosi, he was born in Nanchang. He was a scholar and educator in the early of Ming Dynasty, and he attended to compile the Yongle Canon for he was familiar with astronomy, geography, calendar and medicine, he once was the Imperial College libation during the time of Yongle Emperor.②Yu Jianyan (1585—1664)’s name is Chang, and his alternative name is Jiayan. He was born in Xinjian county in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty, and he was a famous patriotic Confucian scholars and doctor.


  【译文】Jiang Zhaotang showed his rage against the French Catholic priest;

  Li Liejun actively protected the patriotic movements.

  注释: ①江召棠,南昌知县,1906年在震惊中外的南昌教案中,面对法国天主教堂主教王安之的威逼利诱,义正辞严,不为所动,直言:身可杀,民不可伤。②李烈钧,国民党元老,追随孙中山投入辛亥革命,任江西都督,曾积极参加护国运动。

  Note: ① Jiang Zhaotang was the magistrate of Nanchang county. In the missionary case in 1906 that shocked the world, Jiang Zhaotang faced the alternate intimidation and bribery of Wang Anzhi, the bishop of French Catholic Church, he remained unmoved and he was in stern and just words, he said: “you can kill me, but you can’t hurt people” .

  ② Li Liejun was the founding member of Kuomingtang, he followed Sun Yat-sen to attend the Revolution of 1911, he once was the governor of Jiangxi, and attended the Defending-state Movement.


  【译文】Hu Xianxiao was very capable of distinguishing the plant species;

  Xiong Yuxi established the new school.

  注释: ①胡先啸(1894—1968)字步曾,号忏庵,新建县人,我国著名的植物教育家,中国植物分类学的奠基人。②熊育钖(1868—1942),南昌县人,江西著名教育家。亲手创立南昌心远中学堂,同时兼任省立第二中学校长、南昌女子公学校长。

  Note: ① Hu Xianxiao (1894—1968)was born in Xinjian county, his courtesy name is Buzeng and his alternative name is Chan’an, and he is the famous plant educator in China and the founder of Chinese pant taxonomy. ② Xiong Yuxi (1868—1942) was born in Nanchang county, and he is the famous educator in Jiangxi. He set up Nanchang Xin Yuan middle school personally, and he held a concurrent post of the principal of Provincial Secondary School and Nanchang women’s public school.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-20 13:09:28 | 显示全部楼层

  【译文】Liu Hezheng shed her warm blood for her ideal;

  Fang Zhiming died a martyr for his ideal.

  注释: ①刘和珍,南昌市人,生于1904年。1926年3月18日因参加爱国请愿活动被段琪瑞执政府卫队枪杀。鲁迅先生为她写下了《纪念刘和珍君》这篇名文。②方志敏(1899—1935),弋阳县人,杰出的无产阶级革命家。1935年1月率中国工农红军抗日先遣队北上时遭国民党军队伏击被俘,当年8月6日在南昌下沙窝慷慨就义。

  Note: ① Liu Hezheng was born in Nanchang in 1904, she was shot dead by the armed escorts of Duan Qirui government for attending patriotic petition activities on March 18th , 1926. Lu Xun wrote a famous article, “Commemorate Liu Hezheng”, for her.

  ②Fang Zhiming (1899—1935), was born in Yiyang county, he is an excellent proletarian revolutionary. He was captured for he was ambushed by Kuomingtang forces when he lead the anti-Japanese advance team of Chinese Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army to go north in January, 1935, and he died a hero in Xiashawo, Nanchang, on August 6th, 1935.


  【译文】Mei Ru’ao advocated the justice; Huang Qiuyuan was a master of paintings.

  注释: ①梅汝璈(1904—1974)字亚轩,南昌市人,著名法学家。1945年日本战败后,他以中国法官的名义参与远东事法庭对日本首相东条英机等战犯的庄严审判,维护了祖国的尊严。


  Note: ①Mei Ru’ao (1904-1974), is a famous jurist, his courtesy name is Yaxuan, and he is a native of Nanchang, Jiangxi province. After Japan was defeated in 1945, he safeguarded the dignity of the motherland through that Mei judged solemnly the Japanese war crimes like Tongtiao Yingji, the prime minister, in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East's trials, and he was the Chinese member of the judges.

  ② Huang Qiuyuan (1914-1979) is a native of Nanchang county, his courtesy name is Mingqi and his alternative names are Bangeseng, Qingfeng Laoren, etc. He was a master of modern landscape painting, he created many prominent paintings whose themes were the interesting places of Jiangxi. Now Huang Qiuyuan former residence in Peach blossom lane, Nanchang has set up the Huan Qiuyuan memorial hall.


  【译文】Lu Xiaopeng was the famous designer of planes;

  Yuan Zhenghai was a worker with skillful craftsmanship.

  注释: ①中国工程院士,飞机设计专家。曾任洪都机械厂设计室副主任、南昌航空工业学院院长。荣获航空金奖、全国劳模、江西省科技精英称号。②江铃汽车股份有限公司模具厂模具班班长,先后荣获全国技术能手、全国五一劳动奖章,新时代产业工人的楷模。

  Note: ①Lu Xiaopeng is the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and the expert of airplane design. He was the vice director of design office in Hongdu machinery works and the president of Nanchang Aeronautical Institute. He was awarded the Airline Gold Award, National Model Worker and the title of Jiangxi technological elite.

  ② Yuan ZHenghai was the monitor of mould class in mold factory of Jiangling Motors Co., Ltd, he was successively awarded to National technical expert, National May 1st Labor Medal and the model of the of industrial workers in the new era.


  【译文】Yang Houxing was an expert in ceramic painting;

  Xu Yan mei,Peng Bo and Yang Wenjun were the gold medal winners of the Olympics.

  注释: ①南昌工艺美术大师,以绘瓷板画闻名。②分别指获得奥运会金牌的江西籍运动员许艳梅、彭勃、杨文军。

  Note: ① Yang Houxing, the master of arts and crafts, is famous for drawing porcelain painting. ②It refers respectively the winners of Olympic gold medal winners Xu Yanmei, Pengbo and Yang Wenjun, who were all born in Jiangxi Province.


  【译文】Ling Meilong was an excellent Party secretary;

  Qiu E’guo was a warm-hearted policeman.

  注释: ①安义县新民乡尚礼村党支部书记,优秀共产党员,带领群众致富的领头人。②原南昌市西湖公安分局筷子巷派出所户籍民警,现为南昌市西湖公安分局副政委。1997年被公安部授予全国公安战线一级英雄模范称号。

  Note: ① Shang Li, the party branch secretary in Xinmin town, Anyi county, is a excellent member of the Communist Party, he is a leader to lead the mass to get rich.

  ② Qiu E’guo used to be a household register police in Kuaizi lane police station of Xihu Sub-Bureau of Public Security in Nanchang city, now he is the deputy political commissar of Xihu Sub-Bureau of Public Security in Nanchang city. In 1997, he was awarded to the title of first-grade heroic medal in the national public security sector.


  【译文】All these famous stars are shining brightly in Nanchang;

  They set us excellent examples and are well-respected by the people.


  【译文】The Xiaoping Path has brewed up great thoughts;

  The planning and rising of China was guided by the two articles.

  注释: ①南昌陆军学院到新建县拖拉机修配厂之间的一条小道,是1969年10月至1973年2月间邓小平从住地到厂区去劳动的一条必经之道。②指将南昌建设成为现代区域经济中心城市和现代文明花园英雄城市。

  Note: ① The path, from Nanchang Army college to Xinjian county tractor repair plant, is the only road that Deng Xiaoping passed to work from home to factory from October, 1969 to February, 1973. ② It refers to the building of Nanchang into modern regional economic central city and modern cultural garden hero city.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-20 13:09:47 | 显示全部楼层

  【译文】The reform and opening-up is vigorous and deepening

  with great popularity and grand ambitions.


  【译文】To develop, people must rely on the science and technology;

  The industrial zones have become the chief battlefields.


  【译文】The regions of the Yangze River,the Pearl river and Fujian province are neighboring to each other; People plant the Sycamore trees in order to attract the phoenix.

  注释: ①指长江三角洲、珠江三角洲、闽东南三角地带。江西省是唯一与这三个发达经济区毗邻的省份。

  Note: ① It refers to the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the Southern of Fujian triangle delta. Jiangxi Province is the only province that is adjacent to these three developed areas.


  【译文】The railway lines have become the key hubs; The high speed roads are leading to everywhere.

  注释: ①公安九线和浙赣线在南昌交会,我省已形成以南昌为中心、呈放射状的铁路网络。

  Note: ① The ninth police railway line and Zhe-Gan railway line are intersected in Nanchang, Jiangxi province had formed the radial railway network which centered around Nanchang.


  【译文】The new airport has become the international air hub;

  The railway-sea combined transportation has made the logistics easy.

  注释: ②指南昌与深圳、南昌与厦门海铁联运。

  Note: ② it refers to Sea-rail Combined Transport between Nanchang and Shenzhen, and between Nanchang and Xiamen.


  【译文】Nanchang-made products have become famous all over the world; The economy is developing rapidly and great changes have taken place to the city.

  注释: ①南昌生产了新中国第一架飞机、第一辆拖拉机、摩托车和第一枚海防导弹,现正致力于建设成现代制造业的重要基地。

  Note: ① The first plane, the first tractor, the first motorcycle and the first coastal defense missile in new China was produced in Nanchang, now people devoted themselves to building into an important base for modern manufacturing industry.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-20 13:10:26 | 显示全部楼层

  【译文】The mountains, rivers and lakes are in harmonious beauty;

  The environment is excellent and the four titled city is being created.

  注释: ①四城指国家卫生城市、全国文明城市、国家环保模范城市、国家园林城市。

  Note: ① Four titled cities refer to National Healthy City, National Civilized City, National Environmental Protection Model City and National Garden City.


  【译文】Small pieces of vegetation have been linked into bigger ones and street trees are lined up on both sides; Flower beds are everywhere and people live in good health.


  【译文】Zhongshan Road is the famous walking street; People can enjoy the nice views by day and the beautiful lights at night.

  注释: ①南昌的一条黄金商业街。②指胜利路步行街。

  Note: ① a golden business street in Nanchang② it refers to the commercial pedestrian street of Shengli road.


  【译文】Tall buildings are erected high and new bridges are built over the rivers;

  There is a new prosperous scene on both sides of the Ganjiang River.


  【译文】Honggutan new district is developing at an enormous speed;

  The roads circling the city are linked into nets.

  注释: ①2002年5月15日正式成立的南昌城市新区,地处昌北赣江之滨,与昌南中心城区隔江相望。现为南昌市委、市政府所在地。

  Note: ① Nachang’s New District was officially set up on May, 15th, 2002, it is close to Ganjiang River in the northern Nanchang, and it faces the central urban area of southern Nanchang across the river. Now it is the location of Nanchang’s municipal party committee and municipal government.


  【译文】The Jade Lace River is flowing freely throughout the city with its moving water; The Qinshanhu Lake is as beautiful as a picture.

 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-20 13:11:11 | 显示全部楼层

  【译文】The Meihu Lake scene, the Xianghu Bridge are good sight-seeing places;

  The August 1st Uprising Monument erected in the People's Square makes it more beautiful.


  【译文】The Tianxiang Garden is the paradise of the migrating birds;

  The Xiangshan forest attracts many egrets living there.

  注释: ①位于南昌城东的生态园林景点,被中外园艺专家誉为“鸟类的天堂,盆景的海洋”。②指南昌市郊的象山森林公园,是候鸟栖息地。

  Note: ① The ecological garden spots, which is located in eastern Nanchang, was crown to “the paradise of birds and the sea of bonsai” by Chinese and foreign horticultural experts.② it refers to Xiangshan forest park in the suburb of Nanchang, where is the habitat of migratory birds


  【译文】The Houtian's desert and the Meilin's bamboos are all famous attractions;

  The golden Daphne flower and green camphor tree are the City Flower and the City Tree.

  注释: ①指位于新建县田乡的“江南第一大沙漠”生态景区。②指南昌市市花金边瑞香。

  Note: ① it refers to The first Southern desert ecological scenic spot in Tianxiang, Xinjian. ② it refers to Daphne odora, the Nanchang’s city flower.


  【译文】The rice in Jiangxi Fu River district and crabs in the Jun Shan Lake in Jiangxi Jinxian County are famous all over the country; The brushes made in Wengan Town and the wine made in Lidu Town are well-known.

  注释: ①位于进贤县境内的军山湖,所产的“清水大闸蟹”是国家农业部绿色产品。②位于进贤县境内的文巷镇,其毛笔制造业已有1600多年历史,被授予“华厦笔都”称号。③位于进贤县境内的李渡镇,其洒坊历史长,酿洒味道香。

  Note: ① it is located in Junshan lake in Jinxian county, here “Qinshui crab” is the green product which is identified by the Department of Agriculture of China.② Wengan town, which is located in Jinxian county, has been making writing brush for more than 1600 years, so it is awarded to the title of “the writing brush capital of China”.③ Lidu town, which is located in Jinxian county, has a long history of winery, here the wine smells fragrant.


  【译文】In the Wolonggang University Zone people can hear student’s sound of reading aloud; The education is thriving and the science technology is advancing.

  注释: ①指红谷滩新卧龙岗高校园区。

  Note: ① Refer to the higher education district in new Wollonggang of Honggutan.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-20 13:14:11 | 显示全部楼层
【译文】The mountains and rivers are beautiful and crops and natural resources are abundant; They have a strong radiation effect and will surely bring great glory.


  【译文】The adolescents must be strong-willed;You must have a firm faith and a broad bosom.


  【译文】You must esteem the science and set up an ideal ;You must love your motherland and contribute to the building of your homeland.


  【译文】You must stick to the truth ,virtue and beauty ,and be sincere and keep faith; You must put moral at the top and stress self-cultivation.


  【译文】You must be strict with yourselves and be forgivable to others;

  You must observe the laws and abide by the rules and regulations.


  【译文】You must advocate friendship and seek unity; You must have great tolerance and be polite ,modest and yielding.


  【译文】You must be sincere in helping the people in difficulty ;You should never forget the kind deeds done to you however little it may be.


  【译文】You must seek new knowledge and keep it up; You should rise early and do exercise every day, be healthy in body and mind.

  注释: ①东晋刘琨和祖逖常常互相勉励,听到鸡叫后就起床练剑,经过长期训练,他们终于成为能武的全才。后以闻鸡起舞比喻志士及时奋发。

  Note: ①In Eastern Jin Dynasty, Liu Kun and Zhu Di always encouraged each other, and they got up to practice with the sword once hearing the crow of a rooster, after the long-time practice, they became the versatile persons with good skill in Wushu. Later “rise up upon hearing the crow of a rooster and practise with the sword” was used to compare to the person of ideals and integrity who rouses himself in time.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-20 13:14:37 | 显示全部楼层
【译文】The mountains and rivers are beautiful and crops and natural resources are abundant; They have a strong radiation effect and will surely bring great glory.


  【译文】The adolescents must be strong-willed;You must have a firm faith and a broad bosom.


  【译文】You must esteem the science and set up an ideal ;You must love your motherland and contribute to the building of your homeland.


  【译文】You must stick to the truth ,virtue and beauty ,and be sincere and keep faith; You must put moral at the top and stress self-cultivation.


  【译文】You must be strict with yourselves and be forgivable to others;

  You must observe the laws and abide by the rules and regulations.


  【译文】You must advocate friendship and seek unity; You must have great tolerance and be polite ,modest and yielding.


  【译文】You must be sincere in helping the people in difficulty ;You should never forget the kind deeds done to you however little it may be.


  【译文】You must seek new knowledge and keep it up; You should rise early and do exercise every day, be healthy in body and mind.

  注释: ①东晋刘琨和祖逖常常互相勉励,听到鸡叫后就起床练剑,经过长期训练,他们终于成为能武的全才。后以闻鸡起舞比喻志士及时奋发。

  Note: ①In Eastern Jin Dynasty, Liu Kun and Zhu Di always encouraged each other, and they got up to practice with the sword once hearing the crow of a rooster, after the long-time practice, they became the versatile persons with good skill in Wushu. Later “rise up upon hearing the crow of a rooster and practise with the sword” was used to compare to the person of ideals and integrity who rouses himself in time.
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