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Have a wonderful Ping-Pong time with SmallWave

发表于 2015-2-25 17:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Yesterday, I had a wonderful time playing PingPong with SmallWave at the CIYUN library. He is good at it, but he ‘hide’ difficulty skills to help me practice my basic skills with strong patience, he can tell the reason why I drop the ball and how to improve it, the different function of rubber, which help me a lot and also need time to digest. As everybody knows, the new mom will last silly for three years, I am the new silly mom at the beginning of seven months. God helps me!

SmallWave, welcome to home and have a good time during the home time. Look forward to playing PingPong with you next time, and I hope one day I can compete with you and give some color to see see.

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