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1.Think Two Steps Ahead
I've never met a boss who doesn't love proactive employees. Instead of waiting around for instruction, take it upon yourself to hop on what you expect comes next.
2.Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
When you make it a point to do things out of your typical way of working, you may just find that you get more out of your job and your supervisorswill take note. Think about ways you can do something different — speak up in meetings if you're usually silent, volunteer for projects when you normally choose not to participate, etc.
3.Plow Through Your To-Do List
Lists are the most basic and essential part of being productive, but some of the items on to-do lists end up being pushed to the bottom over and over again. Stop re-reading those tasks you've been procrastinating and set deadlines for yourself to complete them. Out with the old, and you'll have more room (and time) for more pressing matters.
4.Ask How You Can Help
Now that you've found more time in your day, look for opportunities to offer a helping hand. Find them by chatting with co-workers and taking interest in a project they're struggling with, or by going to your supervisor and ask how you can help. Soon enough, you'll be a go-to co-worker.
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