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发表于 2013-5-10 15:57:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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American President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day a national holiday in 1914 and it has since grown to be celebrated in over 100 countries around the world. Most countries honor moms in March, April or May but a few, including Russia, Panama and Indonesia, celebrate much later in the year. In the U.S., the holiday is always celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Mother's Day is the biggest day for long distance phone calls and one of the biggest holidays for flower sales.
There are literally thousands of options to choose from for Mother's Day gifts and you will no doubt get bombarded with ideas from every direction.Flowers remain the most popular gift choice for moms on Mother’s Day. Vibrant, colorful fresh-cut flowers are universally loved and will brighten her day.
How do you spoil a multi-tasking superhero? Intense relaxation therapy in the form of spa days, beauty and spa gift baskets and aromatherapy candles are a good way to start. Choose from an assortment of fabulous spa experiences including hot stone massages, body wraps, facials.Sometimes doing a new activity is a great way to relax.
When she answers the phone, is she always out in the garden? Do you have to check what time you’re calling because you aren’t sure where in the world she’s currently traveling? Are you often confounded at the fact that whenever you stop by unannounced, there is still a full meal on the stove ready to serve? You may never know how she manages to do all that she does, but you can find creative and unique gift ideas to match her interest in cooking, gardening, travel, crafts and much more.
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